api documentation

base module

base.BaseTransformer([columns, copy, verbose])

Base tranformer class which all other transformers in the package inherit from.

base.DataFrameMethodTransformer(…[, …])

Tranformer that applies a pandas.DataFrame method.

capping module

capping.CappingTransformer([capping_values, …])

Transformer to cap numeric values at both or either minimum and maximum values.


Transformer to set values outside of a range to null.

comparison module

comparison.EqualityChecker(columns, …)

Transformer to check if two columns are equal.

dates module

dates.BetweenDatesTransformer(column_lower, …)

Transformer to generate a boolean column indicating if one date is between two others.

dates.DateDifferenceTransformer(…[, …])

Class to transform calculate the difference between 2 date fields in specified units.

dates.DateDiffLeapYearTransformer(…[, …])

Transformer to calculate the number of years between two dates.

dates.SeriesDtMethodTransformer(…[, …])

Tranformer that applies a pandas.Series.dt method.

dates.ToDatetimeTransformer(column, …[, …])

Class to transform convert specified column to datetime.

dates.DatetimeInfoExtractor(columns[, …])

Transformer to extract various features from datetime var.

dates.DatetimeSinusoidCalculator(columns, …)

Transformer to derive a feature in a dataframe by calculating the sine or cosine of a datetime column in a given unit (e.g hour), with the option to scale period of the sine or cosine to match the natural period of the unit (e.g.

imputers module

imputers.ArbitraryImputer(impute_value, …)

Transformer to impute null values with an arbitrary pre-defined value.

imputers.BaseImputer([columns, copy, verbose])

Base imputer class containing standard transform method that will use pd.Series.fillna with the values in the impute_values_ attribute.

imputers.MeanImputer([columns, weight])

Transformer to impute missing values with the mean of the supplied columns.

imputers.MedianImputer([columns, weight])

Transformer to impute missing values with the median of the supplied columns.

imputers.ModeImputer([columns, weight])

Transformer to impute missing values with the mode of the supplied columns.


Class to impute missing values with; the value for which the average response is closest to the average response for the unknown levels.


Class to create a binary indicator column for null values.

mapping module

mapping.BaseMappingTransformer(mappings, …)

Base Transformer Extension for mapping transformers.

mapping.BaseMappingTransformMixin([columns, …])

Mixin class to apply standard pd.Series.map transform method.

mapping.MappingTransformer(mappings, **kwargs)

Transformer to map values in columns to other values e.g.


Transformer to adjust values in one column based on the values of another column.


Transformer to apply a multiplicative adjustment to values in one column based on the values of another column.


Transformer to apply an additive adjustment to values in one column based on the values of another column.

misc module

misc.SetValueTransformer(columns, value, …)

Transformer to set value of column(s) to a given value.

misc.SetColumnDtype(columns, dtype)

Transformer to set transform columns in a dataframe to a dtype.

nominal module

nominal.BaseNominalTransformer([columns, …])

Base Transformer extension for nominal transformers.


Transformer to group together rare levels of nominal variables into a new level, labelled ‘rare’ (by default).

nominal.MeanResponseTransformer([columns, …])

Transformer to apply mean response encoding.


Transformer to convert columns containing nominal values into integer values.

nominal.OrdinalEncoderTransformer([columns, …])

Transformer to encode categorical variables into ascending rank-ordered integer values variables by mapping it’s levels to the target-mean response for that level.

nominal.OneHotEncodingTransformer([columns, …])

Transformer to convert cetegorical variables into dummy columns.

numeric module

numeric.LogTransformer(columns[, base, …])

Transformer to apply log transformation.

numeric.CutTransformer(column, new_column_name)

Class to bin a column into discrete intervals.

numeric.TwoColumnOperatorTransformer(…[, …])

This transformer applies a pandas.DataFrame method to two columns (add, sub, mul, div, mod, pow).

numeric.ScalingTransformer(columns, scaler_type)

Transformer to perform scaling of numeric columns.

numeric.InteractionTransformer(columns[, …])

Transformer that generates interaction features.

numeric.PCATransformer(columns[, …])

Transformer that generates variables using Principal component analysis (PCA).

strings module

strings.SeriesStrMethodTransformer(…[, …])

Tranformer that applies a pandas.Series.str method.

strings.StringConcatenator(columns[, …])

Transformer to combine data from specified columns, of mixed datatypes, into a new column containing one string.